Monday, August 9, 2010

The huge football stadiums of the 21st century are the pagan temples of today

Obviously where one can be involved observance of, hero-worship, vocalize what overtake for hymns, and seem as one with our fellow-creatures and, if the thing is correctly undertook, stroll away after with a feeling that life has been increased in some secret way, as depicted in most latest soccer news.

Those of us who watch with puzzlement and even amusement as the territory convulses itself over the World Cup should take this thing more gravely than we do. Clearly football persuades some deep human need.

Otherwise why manage all these banners go by plane from vans and suspend from windowsills, why manage millions of persons sit in front of their televisions, watching the latest soccer news and live football news on a blazing summer after noon observing a not-specially-exciting game, engaging 22 men following a bladder round a area, thousands of miles away.

Why manage they scream and pledge and gasp as goals are tallied or not tallied, even when they have not been consuming too much.

When I was 10 years vintage I was profoundly committed by the treasures of Hampshire in the County Cricket Championship, scanning the 'Live football News' in the Portsmouth night paper for the most latest tally - though I believe in those days it was rather odd for young men of the smaller top middle class (tiny snobs, ever worried about our marginal place in the class system) to support a football team.


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